Miranda Casiano free Recipes
Berry Banana Smoothie
Prep Time: 10 mins
Nec risus lorem vestibulum mi facilisis. Tincidunt urna accumsan nec, risus fermentum ut vestibulum?
- Serves 4
- 20 Minutes
- Year-round
- Vegan
Risus ipsum commodo eveniet pede nulla, sed fusce sed eget, sit augue mauris feugiat, erat facilisis nibh ligula ante, feugiat fermentum ut facilisi dolor quis. Semper faucibus ullamcorper sed pulvinar ut, arcu magna, at elementum. Rhoncus rutrum dictum at pariatur donec, non nulla, pellentesque ipsum odio.
- 2 tablespoons of blueberries (they’re covered by the chia seeds),
- 1 speckled banana (they are much sweeter that way and eliminate the need for sugar!),
- a handful of raspberries,
- 4 to 6 medium strawberries,
- 2 heaping teaspoons of chia seeds,
- ginger, cinnamon and turmeric,
- 16 ounces of almond milk, or any milk you like.
- Add the milk of your choice to the blender (helps to keep the other ingredients from sticking to the bottom of the blender)
- Add the berries, banana, spices and chia seeds to your NutriBullet or another blender,
- Blend for 45-60 seconds or until completely smooth,
- Enjoy!
Ac dignissim interdum nibh urna urna turpis. At id ac penatibus, ut pede, pellentesque enim, elementum magnis ligula justo pellentesque platea justo. Dolores quis etiam commodo rem lacus enim.
Ac dignissim interdum nibh urna urna turpis. At id ac penatibus, ut pede, pellentesque enim, elementum magnis ligula justo pellentesque platea justo. Dolores quis etiam commodo rem lacus enim.
Adapted from “Vegan 100: Over 100 Incredible Recipes from Avant-Garde Vegan,” by Gaz Oakley (Quadrille, 2018)
Summers in Philadelphia are often hot and humid. In those conditions, the body loses fluids very quickly.
A berry banana smoothie works wonders to prevent the negative impacts of this weather, no matter where you live.
How Your Body Reacts to Humidity
In dry heat the body releases sweat and it is easily evaporated, allowing you to cool off. When there is more humidity in the air, the sweat does not evaporate as quickly.
As a result, the body works even harder. Not only is it releasing more sweat, the blood circulates faster and your heart rate increases.
When we lose fluids that quickly, the body sends several signals it is in distress, including, but not limited to (1):
- Dehydration,
- Muscle cramps,
- Heat exhaustion/stroke,
- Fatigue,
- Fainting.
The nutrients in a berry banana smoothie can combat these effects.
Positive Impacts on Your Body in the Summer Heat
Berries are packed with water to ease the effects of dehydration. Strawberries are 91% water (2) and blueberries are 84% water (3).
Bananas are a fantastic source of potassium. A medium banana has 422 mg of the 4,700 you need each day (4).
When you get enough each day, your muscles contract properly and the body can retain fluids more efficiently (5) and prevent cramping.