
Working with women who have full time jobs and helping them create SUSTAINABLE healthy lifestyles is my passion and life’s mission.


Together, we unravel any unhealthy thoughts and/or habits you’ve picked up throughout your life.


Slowly but surely, we re-frame your mindset to make healthy eating a fun adventure rather than a chore!


If you want me to teach you how to follow a fad diet that promises unhealthy, fast results, I am not the coach for you.

Benefits of Partnering with Me

Why Work With Me?

Partnering with a coach is a very personal decision.

You should have someone who experienced your struggles and can give you insight when things get rough.

Here are some quick bullets points about my journey to CONSISTENTLY eat healthy to achieve my health and wellness goals.



My Services

Healthy eating is the cornerstone of any healthy lifestyle.

If you work with me, there will be a lot of deep discovery into different aspects of your current habits so we can make improving them as easy as possible.

Right now, I am only offering two service options, which are described below.

If either of them resonate with you, I highly encourage you to schedule a FREE discovery call.

Best case scenario, we are a match and we can begin working together. Worst case scenario, we are not a match but I will point you in the right direction to someone who can help you.

Making it easier for women to have optimal health is my passion and I am so excited to connect with you!

28-Day Healthy Eating Meal Plan & Coaching

Fad diets often promise amazing results in a short amount of time.

While that sounds great, you are forced into a set of strict rules that suck the fun out of eating.

Who really wants to always be thinking about the grams of fat or carbs when they’re out with friends or family?

I sure don’t!

My program is different.

It was reviewed by dietitians to ensure that your body get the nourishment it needs.

This minimizes the possibility of experiencing negative side effects like fatigue, brain fog, binge eating episodes, vitamin deficiencies, constipation and many others.

Partnering with me in this journey offers multiple benefits. Here’s a brief rundown of the most potent:

In this program, you get 4 weeks of dietitian-approved meals. We’ve scheduled them in away to help you build the skill of planning out your meals in advance.

Weekly grocery lists and calendars are the cornerstone of this plan. The hardest part of meal planning and preparation is getting used to making lists of every possible item you need from the grocery store.

As a client in this program, we take the stress out of planning for your meals. By doing so, we make the adoption of this habit easier and increase the likelihood you’ll continue using in YOUR healthy lifestyle!

Once you understand this skill inside and out, you can move onto thinking about the foods you enjoy and how you can work them into your life.

In this program, I don’t just give you grocery lists and a meal calendar and leave you figure this out on your own.

As a client you’ll get an initial and weekly 30-minute check-in calls to talk through how you feel. Understanding what the impact of your eating habits are opens up a whole new world! You can discover patterns of what is helping you and what isn’t.

With this knowledge, you can slowly but surely start to eliminate the things that are not working for you and be your best!

8-Week Healthy Eating Mentorship

Learning how to meal plan and prep is the foundation of a healthy eating lifestyle. To make it truly SUSTAINABLE, though, you must acknowledge the way your life influences the choices you make.

In my unique 8-week mentorship program, we cover a many different topics, including but not limited to:

Whenever you are looking to improve your eating habits, it is vital to know where you are now and how your current choices make you feel. 

Creating this baseline is the cornerstone of making PERMANENT changes that promote optimal health.

At this stage, you will not make any changes to your current lifestyle. Instead, we set you up with an initial consultation. Prior to this I ask you to complete multiple worksheets about your current habits. You cannot make sustainable changes if you aren’t willing to accept and record where you are now.

After the initial consultation, I give you worksheets to complete in the first 14 days of the program. When you see a written record of what the impact your food choices have on your body, it becomes easier to make changes that promote optimal health.

Far too many fad diets are so rigid in their guidelines.

My approach is different. Instead of forcing you to give up something you love eating, we find another option to empower you to keep eating it.

My personal example is pasta. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it and refuse to give it up. To accommodate this I use pastas made from ancient grains instead of wheat. The nutrient profile of these options is so much more robust than their wheat counter part!

In this program, I assign a unique worksheet explaining the Sphere of Control.

This concept helps you to understand what is in your control in different areas of your life.

As women, we tend to put almost everyone we know before ourselves. After completing this worksheet, you’ll have a better idea of the definite areas you can make improvements on in your journey to SUSTAINABLE healthy eating!

Creating a healthy lifestyle should NOT be about up-ending your life to accommodate some fad diet or meal planning service.

Partnering with me, you gain insights into how the foods you’re currently eating affect your body. A great example is drinking soda. You get that initial spark of energy from the caffeine but inevitably crash once it wears off.

As you make improvements to your eating habits, we record every aspect of what you feel both mentally and physically. Creating a visual record of these changes transforms the abstract thoughts of “eating healthy is good for me” to “eating X does Y for me and I love it!” That shift will motivate you to continue incorporating the changes you’ve made to experience LASTING results.

Lastly, in this program, we work together to create a supportive social circle.

Having support when you’re trying something new is vital to your success! I’m sure you have known a friend or family member who almost always nitpicks a person’s habits. I know I have.

Together, we create a plan to help you minimize your interaction with these unhelpful people and increase your chances of success!

Additionally, this program includes multiple tools to empower you to create a healthy lifestyle that fits your needs.

The following is a brief list of what’s included:

In this program we partner together to create new and improved habits.

Depending on which week of the program we’re on, you’ll either get a 60-minute coaching session or 15-minute check-in call. The former is where we delve deep into understanding your current habits, reflecting on them and creating an extensive record of your baseline. The latter is a shorter call to get a feel for how the improvements we agreed on are working for you.

From the quick details we discuss in the check-in call, we can have a much more powerful 60-minute coaching session the following week, increasing your chances of LASTING success after the program is over.

Homework assigned in school was never fun, but it served a purpose. It empowered you to retain new information you learned.

Every worksheet I assign to you has the same effect. Seeing how your current habits impact your body and which ways the changes you make either improve or decrease your quality of life is powerful! It is a consistent reminder of what works and what does not so you minimize the negative effects of bad choices after our partnership is over.

A unique aspect of this program is the included 28-day healthy eating program. Most health coaches won’t add something like this. However, I am determined to make the transition to a healthier lifestyle as easy as possible! By incorporating this into the mentorship, you will:

  • Get a feeling for what it takes to meal plan and prep.
  • Be at ease about the transition to better food choices. You won’t be thrown for a loop at getting into the kitchen and making meals from scratch.
  • Understand that healthy eating for the long term takes work. That work should be a fun adventure, not an overwhelming or scary chore.

We introduce this halfway through the mentorship because it is vital to know your starting point before making changes for the better.

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