Do you want to eat healthy consistently?

Does it seem impossible due to an ever-changing work schedule?

It’s time to start creating habits that fit YOUR needs!

Imagine this....

Gaining Body Confidence!

๐ŸŒŸ In that skimpy little black dress or slinky bikini…

Overcoming roadblocks & plateaus!

๐ŸŒŸ Knowing you can make progress in your healthy eating goals no matter how hectic your schedule…

Enjoying food WITHOUT guilt!

๐ŸŒŸ Not giving up long-time favorite meals because of a fad diet…

Being FREE of the diet mentality!

๐ŸŒŸ Creating a healthy eating lifestyle you ABSOLUTELY LOVE!!!!

You can make this your reality!

First Group Q&A Call: Match 27, 2022


Client Testimonial #1

Miranda coached me in 2015 and 2016. Working with immobile patients, specifically lifting them to help in daily activities took a HUGE toll on my body.

My joints and back were in very bad shape! Even worse was how my Lyme Disease flared up.

With her guidance, I made small changes to the meals I already loved. The best recommendation was adding chia seeds to a trail mix. Within 2 weeks I felt the pain begin to subside and had enough energy to restart my daily walks! Miranda is an AMAZING coach who was there for me any time I needed her She is a true blessing!

Jacqueline Olivera

Former Home Health Aide

Skills you'll master!

Designing PERSONALIZED Healthy Eating Habits & Routines

๐ŸŒŸ You know your life better than anyone. Learn how to create habits that FIT into an ever-evolving, adventure-filled life!

๐ŸŒŸTransform your mindset from one of sacrifice to one of positive shifts through Rational Emotive Behavior Technique (REBT).

๐ŸŒŸ After watching aย  presentation, you can receive laser coaching to your questions on group Q&A meetings.

๐ŸŒŸ Empower yourself with the knowledge and confidenceย  to transform roadblocks into stepping stones to lasting success.

Drawing YOUR Roadmap to Success!!

๐Ÿ’– Decide on the new habit to implement,
๐Ÿ’– Reflect on every feeling that surfaces as you incorporate it into your life,
๐Ÿ’– Acknowledge that mistakes are inevitable and make a plan to bounce back,
๐Ÿ’– Write EVERYTHING down to have a record at your finger tips!

Hi! I'm Miranda.


My specialty is helping women eat healthy consistently!

It would be an honor to guide you in creating a SUSTAINABLE lifestyle that leads to results!

My healthy eating journey began in my teens when I tried way too many fad diets and failed MISERABLY!

As an adult, my career in health care makes it impossible to follow strict rules from Atkins, South Beach, Zone or any other diet.

11-hour days and diets don’t mix!

You can learn more about my story here.

Over the last 8 years I’ve used the tools in this program lose 80 pounds WITHOUT sacrifice or restrictions!

I created the Healthy Eating Reset System program to help other successful women enjoy the same freedom.

Client Testimonial #2

Mirandaย  was so helpful in my journey to control my diabetes.

With her guidance I lowered my fasting blood sugars from 282 to 114!

Karensa DiFonzo

Director of Student Financial Services, Wellesley College

Program Features Recap & Price


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